
WebGL - TED DXML importer

So I redid some javascript; Now I have a stronger preliminary system for loading data from TED files. It's scary fast, and impressively so. (The GL part anyways)

So, make sure you export ONLY data in the TED format, not the JSON format. Use the TED format because it's a lot easier to read and understand, and it's not much less efficient than a JSON file (Maybe 1% tops).

You must export your own test model for now, from blender. Download the source here to try it on your local machine

TED Exporter (test 2.49b, not yet 2.5* compatible):

Download the python file, put it in your blender scripts directory (blender/.blender/scripts for me) or add it on to your 2.5 (not tested, API not stable)

Then open any file you want, and select some objects, then File->Export TED.
You may want to poke through the python a little to read something about what it does.
Save your exported ted file (All ted files are UTF-8 ASCII only, so always human readable) and place it wherever you extracted the source index.html.

Then, just enter in the name of the file and click load, nothing nothing breaks.

You should be able to fly around a (currently non-objected) world with left mouse and right mouse drags, left+right mouse is zoom, left is rotate, right is pan.

I do not yet have the scene objects loaded, nor do I have the animations active. That's next. But this is progress, I can now load data into the webgl, that includes models, textures, and animations.

Here's Gigginox from Monster Hunter 3. Not doing much.


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