
WebGL - Preview local TED files

Try it now!

Current test as a local zip:

Current TED exporter:

If you have any local files, you can now browse for and load them.
You can also drag them over into the 3D area, and it will load them automagically.

Some interesting notes about this.

Security wise, I would rather have a notification come up if a javascript script was attempting to "read" any local files. I DO want this to occur, but let me either block ALL of them, or choose as they are requested to be loaded.Firefox understands this, but I cannot find it's setting to make it warn you when a script reads a local file. Apparently the act of dragging and dropping or using the file open dialog is confirmation enough, and that's OK.

Chrome however, is dumb, and will not read any local files unless you add the additional command like switch "--allow-file-access-from-files" switch to it. DO NOT DO THIS if you are online, only do this while developing or playing locally. Because chrome is kinda insecure like that, might as well not use it until they fix this extremely annoying bug. Get Chromium instead.
Examples of chrome stupidness: "There is nothing Gmail can do to defend itself from this attack." "In the future, we hope to further restrict the privileges of local web pages." "Ultimately, we'd like to see all the browser vendors converge on a uniform, secure policy for local web pages."  Seriously? Are these dumbassess tripping? Give us control of some of those flags, and then configure the flags to make your "security" work. Don't generalize and call that good, that's what mac does and why it is so much fail. Give control to advanced uses, set the defaults for your pseudosecurity model, everyone wins. Like firefox.

The option for "Only allow local access with user permission" would be nice, and it could pop up a modal dialogue with timing/input security. Not failproof (did you know you can write code to make fake human input? lol ur h4xed), but it's better than a blanket policy.

An old BomberFan level, made for BGE. Since it was an old blender, blender materials were ignored in favor of face textures, which is why nothing looks right.


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