
Pokemon Plus, I mean Monster Rancher 5 ?

Looks like my roomate got me internets.

Not easy to remember, I was losing sleep over how this house deal would work out, primarily since the f%#@$*&^ucking bank that owns it is being too slow to respond; They're basically screwing me, like, with a giant sandpapery golden-rule dildo. It's fucking bullshit. All banks are crooks. Don't forget that, they do ANYTHING to make money, and they WILL find a way.

So far, thanks to banks, I've lost more than 1600 dollars in liquid income due to having to move twice and pay for rent and a larger eschrow. So much for me having a projector!

so, anyways, last nights dream was something involving a lot of pokemon, not som uch the classic or newer crappy ones, but a more graffiti kingdom style, like they were all pretty cool looking, not just some of them. Also, the way the battle system worked was drastically changed, I think it was 'TM's they called those silly 'add a move to your monster' things, right? Well, in THIS version (HD, 1080p) creatures operated on a more Graffiti Kingdom system, if you gave them a move (say, bite, kick, punch) and they couldn't physically figure it out, then it would be far less effective. On the other hand, if a creature was good at, say, back-kick (like a horse) then it did extra percent damage. Also, moves could be swapped in and out like items, at cost of slight time (fro training) and monies. So anyways, the fighting pokemon on pokemon is more of a deranged form of cockfighting (in all senses) and that element was pretty much removed from this game, people didn't just walk around and start fights, cause that hurt their pokemon, making them resentful and disobedient. Rather, fights were much more elegant, and it instead favore puzzle solving and using your pokemon as world tools to complete objectives (sounds like monster rancher...) more than battling eachother. Also, people had them as pets, I didn't see any pokeball's or other de-humanizing machines to remove you from the fact you were raising and training a living, breathing creature capable of making it's own decisions. What a weird conflict. Either way! It started out as me investigating this town, we have another dense city in what looked like Tennessee, based on the geography of the place, lower buildings, rolling, spanned out hills and such. Apparently, this town was full of some sort of pokemon addicts, which was interesting. I talked to some of them, I met a lot of cameos of people I had seen before, I attended a fight (it was a kinda unfair fight, this drill-mole thing versus this metal bird thing, and the metal bird thing had 'shrink' apparently, so, well. Somebody lost a pokemon, and apparently, if you eat another pokemon, you can gain all it's abilities, kinda like kirby. But then you have to deal with a whiny trainer...) and I found a place to buy these things; I said no, and just sorta used other peoples animals as I found fit to get across this town, which, this was yet another pseudo future, being inside was the only safe place since the world was full of hypermutating genetic abominations, so you would be killed if you went TOO far away, hence the pokemon in the first place (tamed mutants!). I forget what the hell I was needing to do, but there were a lot of cameos, I think I saw everyone I knew, including them with a target creature that suited them. I can't remember accurate details, but people without pokemon (moi) were more or less looked down on, probably because chance of survival was low. there were a lot of water fountains so you could water your pets, food was the most expensive thing, and at a high premium since it was grown indoors in hydroponics style places, and since everything had been contaminated, it was merely a matter of time before humans themselves were annihilated by the mutations. The pokemon could vocalize much better as well, some of them could even partially talk. As for the graphics, the pokemon looked no better than they did in the Pokemon gamecube games, except they were shaded and had some slightly shinier details (eyes, decorations were higher res, skin sometimes had bumpmappy textures) but people and the buildings were MGS4 quality or better, which was pretty nice to keep a strong mental barrier from the fantasy monsters and the reality of the situation.

Ever notice those vorish food slogans? Ergo, wheat thins: "Feels good, Tastes good" though, I guess that isn't really a fair comparison since it is comparing apples to apples. Oh well.

Interesting note, today, at walkmart, I was getting some wasp spray for a nest I found as big as my head (amazing, I almost feel bad for killing them... NOT) and I was thinking, maybe terrorism would be fun today... go to lawn and garden, grab a can of wasp spray, douse all the food... before I was jailed, I bet I'd at least kill some children, and if nobody noticed, I'd kill a lot of people. How much fun!

1 comment:

Chi said...

Lane, when I have children, I want you to tell them as many stories as possible.