
GUtil progress

Yes, I am still working on AdventureClone, for those of you who pay attention to what the heck I do.

It required a massive rewrite of the Blender Game Engine, and since it's so crazy (I mean it's retarded) The concept is simple, I restrict certain layers (15-20) to specific types of objects:
16 - Meshes only (animated, or static meshes that do NOT collide, things that need to be duplicated, graphical ONLY)
17 - Armatures for those meshes
18 - Sensors of any type (Ray, COllision, Touch, whatever. You can reuse them, instead of making 1 unique one (how stupid is that? bleh!)
19 - Collision shapes (WIP)
20 - Entities (collection of all of the above, usually parented to some physical shape like a cylinder)

Which means, To make your level/game, just add empties or other shapes as 'spawn points' to the level, and use the massively awesome 'game.py' I wrote to code your game (it eleimates so much, you won;t believe it!)
With this system, you get:
Armature bone parenting - Not entirely accurate, but it DOES work for N-simplex groups (refer to docs)
Easy animations
Deleteion/addition on runtime (you can add/remove anything, anytime)
UID system for tracking entities
smart objects
"Entity' class that handles access to sensors, animations, keyframes, shaders, and everything else that sucks to write repeatedly
Simplified interface

And the result, is you can actually make a decent, and viable game with only the blender game engine! It's freaking incredible. Once I get demo, I post demo.

Enough banter, my dream lately was pretty gross, I distinctly remember me, mike and caleb running around a froze, snowy blizzard mountain, when caleb says 'aw fuck it' and gets in his insight and drives away (that car is so light, it drives on snow) Me and mike shrug, and continue on down the mountain! After a while, the mountain goes directly to a swamp, I point at a gator and laugh, cause it was so fake I knew it was a dream. Mike said, that was because it was fake, and points to the real one. Apparently, the house across the swamp had put fake gators in the pond? weird. We crossed, I had found a double barreled rifle with that ammo clicky thingy on the end that looks cool, plus the barrel was two pieces, you could flip it up to add 3 ft of extra rifle to your bullet for supreme accuracy or something stupid like that. But it was rusted all to hell and didn't work. Got it off a dead corpse we found. So, we enter this creepy mansion, and find a witch, who was surprised to see anyone, and does some spell bullshit, but, well, I have friends in high places (like Raesir) and so it didn't even do anything, just sorta fizzed out in front of us. She freaked out, screaming something about dragons, me and mike shrugged, then Harry Potter comes up from behind, says some BS, his stuff doesn't work either (lol, he was soooo sad face) so he transforms himself into a moth (? that was weird...) and this bird eats him. Now, normally, I would have kept laughing, but from what I could tell, he didn't figure on that one, so I threw the gun, hit this bird (it looked like a cockatoo) and then went over and CRUSHED ITS HEAD WITH MY BARE HAND, making this nasty cracking noise... I peeled back the skull and pulled out this nasty acid- smelling moth, shaking it off and tossing it on the floor, where it turned back into a severely beaten Harry... was pretty fuckin sick, lot of detail in that scene, ugh! So, it turns out Mike was just karate-ing a buncha lizard people that that hag created (gators = generic videogame foreshadowing!), he was doing great, had himself a pile of CQC idjits. So, we regroup, the witch had left, and Harry was just on the ground crying like a baby. I don't blame him, that probably hurt like all hell. Then I just woke up, no point, plot, or conclusion at all. It was definitely sickening.

1 comment:

SylNil said...

You say that you're still working on your Adventure clone. That's awesome. Actually, I'm pretty interested in it, myself. I loved Adventure for the Atari 2600, and I'd love to see it reborn like this. Do you have any actual updates to it, in reference to what you uploaded in July?