
Spiritual Curse; I met Satan, and found out God doesn't exist

A very powerful spiritual dream (not like getting soul vored though :3)

I remember a little about the beginning of the dream, which lasted a very long time. The dream basically occurs in two distinct parts; Before death and after death. Normally, in dreams, my deaths are either painful, torturous, or generally caused by me fighting something I can't take. Rarely is death pleasant, but you all know what I mean by that.

So! To start off, the Earth, as a whole nation, was a few years down the road. I was about 27, I was working in my new job, and we just so happened to be somewhere else besides home, we were on a business trip demonstrating our new awesome software, it was me, Duane, Robert, and some other guys setting it up, when the news comes on every channel. This was strange, but, apparently, we had made first contact with an alien species; And it was immediately hostile. So, right away this became independence day, and these aliens were pretty stupid, the little green dudes in silver sport jackets. However, they did not have any super advanced technology, they kinda of operated like ants, they were running from something, found a edible, workable, livable planet, and started ousting the locals to make room for themselves. NOT a good idea to do to the human race, but, they didn't have magical ray guns or space ships or some shit like that, they took a more classic HL2 pod-rocket approach to deliver doses of this gas, which was largely ineffective to anything (they goofed, it just smelled bad to us.) So they had to actually physically drop ships down and start shooting; people took them out left and right, it was a marginally fair fight. However, somewhere later, after this long session of gunfights, espionage, and general camaraderie by our human species as a whole (it's amazing how race, religion, and personal barriers become meaningless when we are threatened as a species), we managed to stop them from invading any more territory, however, they had invaded one city successfully, putting ALL of their people in it to defend like mad while the probably built more weapons out of their ship. This was all after a interlude where we shot manned rockets into space to guided KO the mothership and all that, so we had wiped these guys out pretty easy, I don't think more than a couple million people died, really. That was a scene all it's own, and kinda goofy, and didn't involve me directly, but! Here were me, duane and robert (who is awesome with guns) holding fort outside of this colony, and the US government had given us permission to use this bomb.
This was no ordinary bomb, this was like one of my fictional (temporarily) AM-bombs, it had a very impressive yield with little or no radiation. Just a high energy magnitude blast, way more than a hurricane of volcano even! Unfortunately, it was a networked bomb, and had to be powered, as well as connected to a "SS~**.exe" something exe file with a laptop, and we all knew how this worked, and no one else nearby did, so basically, we were sentenced to death by the US government. But, as true americans, we do the best for the country, at all costs to preserve the nations future. So, we sneak into the city, lots of it was in shambles, destroyed parts, chunks of buildings missing, bodies everywhere, it was generally like HL2, but way better looking, this was a RL resolution dream. We had a lot of other people with us, and some indian kid, and some others, so we hook up this huge bomb stand. What they neglected to tell us, was that the bomb had a 10 minute timer! So we could leave and survive. (Get to zee chopper!) So, we set it up, and I was about to get in the chopper, when all three of us click... If we leave a POWERED, idle, easy to disarm bomb, it is VERY likely it will fall into enemy hands. I ran back to it, grabbed my gun, a Desert Eagle variant, and shot one of the little green guys that had approached. NOW we had to die, because the bomb had been seen. Of course, then the little alien dudes cut the power, so the bomb turned off. This was bad, and we spent a few minutes frantically building a power supply out of a vacuum cleaner and some bicycle we found and a rubber stopper. Robert was biking the hell out of it (distance runner) and me and duane were setting up a fake network on two laptops to keep the bomb 'alive', it took a while, but eventually we got the time to 00:00:00.0000, and the bomb didn't do anything. More precisely, it gave us a button to click. It was only me, robert, duane, the indian dude and an asian dude left, we could press the button and be instantly vaporized, saving the world from a new alien race, or we could not, and potentially kill off the entire human race...
I turned to duane, "...well, I love you guys. See you on the other side." and clicked the button.
Part two of this dream, however, was vastly scary, disturbing, and downright terrifying.
Right before I hit that button, I looked up to see the sky one last time, there were buildings in the background, I could see my friends faces, anguish and terror on them, but strong faces so that normal people couldn't tell. The sky was blue, buildings were greyish ashen, some on fire... Either way, When the bomb went off, there was no noise, there was no pain, just everything went and felt white...
Of course, I immediately, without ANY doubt in my mind, felt, heard, and was told directly by our God himself, that I was going to hell. It was a very overwhelming sensation, as if everything that ever mattered suddenly coalesced into a single, direct piercing beam of cognizance, all that chaos and randomness was really just the whim of some true god entity hovering over our planet, and deciding who was righteous enough to enter some mystical kingdom of heaven. I died a million deaths in that instant, a sort of super flashback to all the times I *could* have really helped people, but didn't. It was trite and meaningless though, and after that microsecond of pure intelligence, the whiteness began to fade, senses returned, everything begun to form into view... I was dead now, but I was also in hell... However, what hell REALLY is, as I found out today, would blow the minds of nearly every idiot that has a personal view of it. The same buildings, the street, the frame we had for the bomb, hell, even the bomb itself, everything was still there... except, it was entirely frozen with white. There were gigantic icicles on every structure, snow was constantly falling, the sky was grey with ashes, I looked around, robert and Duane were gone entirely, but indian and chinese dude were still there, looking around... Apparently, hell isn't personal! We tried to talk, but we could make no sounds. We could see, smell, fear, touch, and hear, but we could not produce sounds. I walked over, using normal hand signals to try and talk to the indian guy, trodding through the snow, but he looked very spacey, and his face distorted slightly, warping, bubbling a little, getting slight boils... I was freaked out, and ran away, noticing there were an awful lot of people here, most of them I had never seen, zombies walking around in this grey purgatory. I ran over to where people seemed to be moving, and was greeted with more of the central city, huge blocks of ice on everything, icicles connecting floors of buildings, meters and meters of it all over the tops of things, but not so much the ground, as if a sleeting rain had fallen but never touched earth. As I walked as fast as this ethereal body could carry me, I noticed my speed was capped, I began to sore and hurt, as if the very act of motion itself was impossible in this realm. I saw other people collapse, and get swallowed up by the snow, disappearing into the fine white powder, to how knows what kind of fate. Never the less, I plodded on, this wasn't anything too weird, after all, having Raesir as a friend, I'd been through worse. Eventually, the number of people turned into a crowed, all trying to push their way through this small corridor, beyond there was color! Apparently, this snow and desolation was merely another illusion, and beyond this special passage was a second state of hell itself... of course, as I approached the crowd, I was tempted to push and throw people out of the way. that desire became very strong, and suddenly, in the back of my mind everything stood up on my neck, pure terror struck my heart, and everything for me froze. In this real, a temptation to perform evil deeds was truly manifested within 'Satan' himself, by succumbing to temptation, HE would appear and offer you trade or a bribe... for me, Satan was nothing more than, well, I say nothing more, there are no words in which I can describe the terror of being that close to a true god, this overpowering sensation of worthlessness, belittlement, and sheer terror at a greater power, driven into you by the flames of some lower level of heaven. For me, this fiery goat skull rose up from the ground next to me as I was paralyzed, the jaw moved to talk, spewing hot flames slightly as it did so, the skull could deform and smirk, it was quite the true demon. What it said though, was more terrifying than I think I can explain, Try to imagine the 'Mother language', a literally universal language for ALL life, in which basic concepts are communicated through verbal words, a lost, ancient and powerful language, most people often associate it with 'magic' though words do absolutely nothing, THESE words are potent when spoken from the mouth of the devil. I don't remember what it was saying, but that low grizzled tone and high pitched screechy laugh made me lose everything, I had to get away, but I couldn't! In a puff of smoke after laughing at me, the flames of hell vanished, time resumed from where it stopped, and I fell down, shaken badly, curling in the fetal position to try and recover, but was immediately remind that the snow on the ground was actually a living thing, and got back up, brushing it off of me as best I could before I was enveloped by an apparently mass of dead souls; the snow itself was the collection of discarded configurations of souls, each just a small snowflake, each one unique, and entirely worthless. I shook my head, my heart rate was to high so I want to lean next to the wall, watching more people come to that gate. As I noticed before, these people were fucking horrible, they all had scarred, boiled faces, tears and streaks of red, blistery, damaged beings. this extended to their arms and legs, they were like no zombie I had ever seen; they were still humans, but very bad off humans. I decided to follow the crowd, and got in line, still breathing fast, heart down to ~ 190 or so bpm now, maybe some mindless droning would help. As I was shuffled through the crowd, I noticed that not many people were coming out the end of the tunnel, and I began to suspect a trap, though, as I got to the end, I merely stepped into the colored region, turning around, I saw all these people, which all had on the same black to dark brown robe & hood, turning to snow and their clothes being sucked into that living mass, from the other end of the line, if you didn't look up, you would never notice that you were simply being devoured by a large mass of things that all do the same thing for eternity, a cycle for all dead to start, and never finish, constantly desiring more, which should click for a Buddhist practitioner, that 'desire' is certainly an evil!
I was not sure why I was able to pass, but as I looked around, this place was the same, except minus the snow and ice from dead souls. there were people looking up here, there was the asian dude and the indian dude, they were walking around, some sitting on things, nobody was moving very fast, it seemed like a solemn, entry level to heave sort of deal, however, their bodies and faces were still just as scarred. I walked by, people could talk here, but they could only speak their heart, making raspy, hoarse whines to eachother, some were able to sing, some were not. No voice was used, the 'Mother language' was the only voice heard, and it did not come from the mouth. I walked past all these people, I went to the people I knew, and tried to say something, but my heart made a different sound, it made a 'ufff' sound, like pushing air out of a balloon. I wasn't sure what it meant, but, it immediately made people more calm around me, they looked at me suddenly, and some of their wounds healed. I was freaked out, and I ran again, trying to press in the same direction as before, but the people that heard me began following, suddenly turning darker, and more zombified. Apparently, Satan had given them a 'want', and they accepted. I began running, and He appeared again, right in the tunnel I was running to, a larger skull this time, big enough to block my way, if he wasn't already scary enough. It laughed, and said more things in a language that tore me to shreds, I understood what he was saying, of course, and it was something like 'You fool, you only cause others to suffer by trying to help, do you not think they realize their pain? You shall burn for this! You will be mine! I am!' and so on, extremely dominating, aggressive words, but contextually he was just telling me to give up, and give my soul to him for whatever reason. I jut waited, after he vanished, he burned me a little, I had to put out my coat and continue to run from zombies, if he didn't kill me, they would. But I vomited blood along the way, it was darker red than it should be, I felt really bad at this point, making past another tunnel to yet another stage of heaven, I turned around, those zombies were melted to bones at the end of the tunnel, the bones clattering down through a grate designed for it, skulls and cages rolling off to the side to feed THAT never ending cycle. Again, I was mystified as to why I was here, I noted that people here were generally better looking, and that asian guy and indian guy were here, so they made it too! these people could speak verbally, and we all spoke my language, if they talked, I heard english, if asian guy was listening, I was speaking mandarin chinese to him and so forth. People nodded to acknowledge my presence, they were moving about more, and this hallway was a big T shape, people were skiddish, talking about demons that took them away, and other horrors. Well, every time a new person enters, a new demon tries to eat one of these people, so, naturally, that happens, and we all run left in the T-shaped intersection, which had lots of boxes, and a halfpipe at the end that sloped down into a long bridge across a pit full of something, I didn't bother looking, a demon was chasing us! I turned around, and watched it rend some poor guy of his flesh, drinking the blood like a freaking capri-sun. After he finished, he just threw the shreds into that pit and stomped off the right direction in the T, which, was weird, because that must be the way it always happens. Again, I was in another level of heaven, and this was the highest level I could get to, apparently, as this looked exactly like real life now, except, people all had on the same style of clothes, this tweed robe in any color that person liked, with optional belt. our group looked about, there were fewer people here, but, there were also a vast amount of temptations here as well, fast food, movies, cars, commercial things... it was a city, it was still a little white painted, and we split up, I wandered around the streets, looking around. My robe was more white with gold, I don;t know why, I guess it was fitting to me. There were no cars driving, in fact, people I saw getting into cars disappeared, so I observed that everything here we were used to was probably just a demon or the Devil in disguise, so I went to the movie theater to observe masses of people wanting entertainment, or something else to hold onto, there were posters that looked like an everyman from that 'A Scanner Darkly' movie, I watched people for a while, and asked someone what the ticket price was, and they said they didn't care. My own personal vice began to gnaw at me, and I went to the KFC next door, I was about to get in line, but that familiar feeling crept up, and I saw a flash of flames to my left, so I watched instead. People went up to the counter, ordered some food, and then turned to leave, but, really, they never left, it was like they kept going, but they were gone, skeletonized, and sucked into the ground upon leaving the door, but only when out of sight of me. This was frightening, but after surviving all those trials, I knew something was entirely wrong with this, why was *I* one of the only ones able to see these things? I noticed other people like me, wandering around with similar white robes, but different colored belts. I talked to one of them, but they instantly turned to ashes when Satan appeared, larger than ever, still just a giant 20ft tall goat skull bathed in searing flames, yelling the loudest, most hateful and crushing words I could ever imagine, I fell to my knees, I couldn't do this much longer, I knew it, but I had to do something, He would just keep explaining to me all the evils that life and the afterlife consisted of, telling me about sentience, it's burden, it's necessary role in some sort of spiritual foodchain, and continually telling me I could never do it, I could never make it, and how I was already as good as a slave. I looked up, after a while, my eyes were bleeding, my nose was bleeding, and I knelt there and coughed up more, trembling as my body started to finally give out. I stood up though, and began wandering more zombie like, eventually, days later wandering myself into a large warehouse at the end of warf connected to the city, there were a few other people here, nobody was here that did not have a white robe though. I remember walking around for a bit, the place was dark, alone, easy to gather your thoughts in. It was the most comfortable place I had found in Heaven thus far, and that's when I began to flash in and out of this place, I could flash forward to see Duane, he was exalted, eating some small meal at a white table in an all white room, chatting with his friends and relatives that made it to that same place, but... I knew something else too. Satan was right, of course, although heaven may be something we are used to on earth, and something we find simplicity and comfort in, there will always be something else we desire, it is our nature as living beings to do so, and the entire reason true gods like Satan created this place, to feed off the suffering of the living. I laid back and let myself sink into the floor; I was defeated. But that didn't happen, everything just sort of whited out, back to a grey background with little white flakes falling from the sky, everything else just became muted, and that was the end.

So, as a commentary, yes, I said it a lot, but there really is no way to describe the power of being spoken to by a real god; Satan is actually 'the' god, in case you christians were wondering. 'God' does not exist, it's just 'Satan'. Also, to explain what I mean by a 'true god, you have to understand how the universe works; Put simply, a true god has absolute control over their region of mass influence; IE, they are bound by all normal 'gravitational' laws, but can do with that matter as they please, altering perceptions and creating real things and events as they wish. Of course, their influence is directly related to the mass density of things they are near enough to, so they are not 'all powerful', nothing is, or ever will be. Also, when I refer to the mother language, the symbols spoken within it do not sound like much I had ever heard in my life, they were sounds, but also accompanied by feelings, you were forced to think a certain thing when hearing it, not because that was what you heard, but it was also a totally sensory overload to feel that word.

I feel pretty messed up today; It's not often I have to confront something like Satan.


Super Chinese Viking Hero Story 2

So I had this dream that quite accurately fit the title.

Very interestingly, this is a recurring dream, the beginning starts out in the parking garage of a large, metropolitan area, which had been abandoned for about a year or so. IT looks like the city had been bombed, the sky was purply grey, there was gunpowder in the air, and the crew for this session, was Me, Scott, Ted, Mike, Amanda, Nicole, and a few other people (about 20) that didn't make it out.

So, the game starts, we are all armed with grungy leather vests for armor, M-16's and some of those HK-5 machine guns, we all had bandoleers with some grenades and mini-shotguns (hand cannons), some of us had bandannas or doorags,
but, the camera panned around the group, and then immediately, these gross pig monsters (like you see from zelda, or battletoads, or probably any series with a pig monster) on motorcycles come roaring down the parking garage ramp; This was a gang war apparently, they have Uzi weapons, and we scatter and start taking them down. Being trapped in the bottom of this building was quite annoying, me, Ted and Mike went left flank, and I went point and instructed that we had to get out, they had RPG's they were setting up to kill us with. So were were in a very bad situation, Me and mike went all badass and got everyone to grenade shower
the fools as we spread outside of the building, but by this time they had a tank (we were 45 seconds too slow) and they mowed down everyone on the right flank... but, being a war, we managed to take out everything but that tank with good, well places shots on the move, leaving the garage there was a lot of safe rubble piles around, we were running low on ammo and the loss of our crew was pretty devastating... As we tried to MGS4 our way around the tank, the camera would pan out into a cinema scene, showing the small concrete maze me Mike and Ted were walking through. At the end there was this strange blue orb, swirling with some mist around it, a portal of some sorts! But, we heard the shot, and I jumped back, knocking Ted over, but I missed Mike... and the shell hit the wall next to us, killed him instantly with a block to the head, but we missed the collapsing wall, not too much damage. I had already rolled back, and helped Ted up, but, now I knew we were screwed, Mike was the best guy we had for this stuff, so, we just ran at this point. The Tank wasn't very accurate, it missed a few more shells, neither of us were critically wounded, just shrapnel bloody. Out of ammo, except for handcannons, we find the portal, and I stopped, but Ted seemed to know what the hell it was, and yanked me though.

At the OTHER side of the portal, we have ancient china, we had kept all the equipment, but our enemies were now only equipped with swords and full armor, where we had leather armor and plenty of light damage. we both looked around confused, at least till those pig monsters gave chase. We did have utility knives, but Ted wasn't keen on the combat, and I figured he was right in this case, so we ran down this road though some dense bamboo and trees, to a set of walls leading into a fortress. At this point, I was seeing some silver medallions, and I made sure to get them all as we went (Sonic for PS3? maybe.). The farther along this trail, the lower the ground level was, this seemed to be some sort of fortress for defending, it was very interesting in terms of how it was built. Though, arrows started to discourage us from screwing around too long, we ran up the other side of it (it was snake shaped), and turning right we ran into a NPC, this weird looking old dude with that annoying Chinese straw hat said something to us, Ted stopped to listen, I just went right past the guy. Of course, THEN he got mad, and turned into a dragon, naturally, and started to say something to Ted, but I didn't care, and continue walking down the corridor, noticing that this was actually a weapons and supply station, not a fortress, so this must be part of a larger city or something. While Ted and easter dragon talked, I investigated the stuff in this depot; There were no guards, so perhaps we came in at the right time to protect it... There was lots of food stored, and very little gunpowder. Also, after poking around the stuff, there were large deposits of money (little clay tablets worth a lot) here, hidden in the panels! This was getting weird, so I turned to Ted, who was done befriending said dragon, and poking through the stuff with me, when some guy comes screaming about vikings, and since it was a game, we both knew that meant we couldn't fight these things without an army, so we ran. Apparently, a 'Viking' in this game was like a huge anglo-saxon-mongolian nightmare, kinda built like a dwarf that is 7" even.
Scary, dirty mofo's, so we ran out of the depot, I grabbed what I thought we would need in a rucksack, but as we left, the guards that were SUPPOSED to be in the fort began to apprehend us, but they figured out that we were serious, so we all took up arms. Oddly, all these guards looked like the fodder guards from Dynasty Warriors. Sucks to be them! Now we had a decision to make, whether to stay and fight, or continue on. I decided to fight, but Ted wanted to move on, he was probably right, but that stupid little dragon he had on his back now wanted to fight too, and hopped off, grew to normal size, and began furiously pwning the viking freaks that came at us. I got a spear, tore off the flint head and began making bombs (pinch bombs) and blasting the forces that came through. At this point, we actually got overwhelmed, they killed the dragon, and speared everyone except the heros. The game over sign appeared, and we had to restart from the beginning portal we came in, this time I collected more medallions, and we just ran through and past everyone, the dragon stayed with the fight, naturally, and died. As we ran past, a cinema scene told of this story we would go on, Some sort of weird adventure that had no meaning aside from survival, for the moment. We got to see a world map view, someone was reciting prose about the history and shit, then it shows us walking into this village nestled into the side of a giant rocky cliff with a waterfall, the town ran off the power of the water (it's called waterwheels, no magic here) and we RPG'd our way though it. A 2 player RPG is pretty kickass, especially when NPC's are actually dynamic, and remember things, making the immersion much greater. I forget what were doing here, something like restocking like a Neverwinter Nights mission or something, but there was a lot of dialog about the coming invasion, and other problems and stuff we could forsee. We went back to the world map, and I guess I just skipped the gameplay parts from here, and we were on the world save screen, apparently, we could save items like Mario 3, and progress as 'dragon gates' or some stupid stuff, but saving a dragon gate option took 3 item slots (we had 20 available) instead of the normal 1 save slot for progress. Apparently, saves in the game were only saves of relevant equipment profiles, and the advanced dragon save would striate multiple files, so that you could MERGE save data as additional resources. this was weird, and we experimented playing around with our save data so that when we loaded the next time, we would have all the additional equipment we collected from the other two saves it encompassed. Neat little detail, I thought.
At some point, the dream drastically changed to the end of the game, it was just me, Dr. Grant, and this hot chick from 'Cadillacs and Dinosaurs', apparently, something about jurassic park was happening, and me and Grant had to shut down the power grid to reset fence relays... so we did, in a generic, white metal/concrete JP facility style setup, but with an emphasis on water creatures. So we turn off the power, raptors attack but I had my HK5, so, well, that was short lived. Grant got all pissy though XD Then, after some screwing around with a giant mechanical brontosaurus, we got in a plane and left.

As a note, this dream was in better than HD 1080p detail, which was weird, it was a whole lot more realistic than other game-style dreams. Another weird thing, was violence in the dream was muted; Like, all my friends getting shot to death by a tank machine gun was just dust particles and them falling over, no blood or gutsy stuff. Usually, that kind of violence is accurately detailed, but I guess the presence of fantastical pig monsters muted that. Also, normally when I have some stupid dragon in my dreams, I usually interact with it, but, I guess since I brought along a more experienced dragon-expert, I let him handle that shit. Saves time! I really wonder what the game content was like, it seemed to be some sort of game like that one with Yoshitsune and Benke, or something, what was that game... either way, it played out like that a lot, but we really didn't see much combat aside from the beginning MGS4 style fighting.

I close on my house Wednesday, woo!

Also, Blender 2.47 is out, but the GE crashes if you connect a add actuator, scene actuator, or game actuator to a controller. I haven;t figured this out and anticipate a bugfix for that in the near future. (Only the GE is broke, and HOLY HELL they added a lot of shit. It's worse than ever now! I might just stop with GUtil if they keep making it like that. Whoever is on that design team, MAN I do not respect them at all now. IDIOTS!)


Just a post, like every normal blaugh

So, I'm closing my house wednesday in Galardi. I landed me a 1654 sq footer, with some nice features and dragon-sized rooms (no kidding! The ceiling is like, 10 friggin feet tall!), a big kitchen with a vaulted ceiling, breakfast room, and the living room is a good 20x18 or so feet no including the tile parts, large master about 18x12, big master bath with a jacuzzi tub, two aux bedrooms at 12x9, more normal sized but with deep closets, and a two car garage. Small yard, but no back neighbors at all! I'm just glad this mess is finally starting to be over.

Here's some interesting trivial, the price of happiness. Interestingly, it's about 23,000$USD a year! Because, I'm changing jobs, and losing THAT MUCH MONEY annually, because my happiness is worth more than that. 45k is livable, but suffering needlessly when other people who are more competent would be willing to do so for that salary (top of 80k 10 yr) can go do that. Right now, I'm too young to give a flip about doing anything more than playing into my retirement, home, and other investments. So, if you ever get in the situation where you are unhappy with your job, AND you are a good, hard worker with a solid education, just go find another job. You have no obligation to anyone, except those you actually care about.

Also, all this cash I am making has nothing to do with my degree, it is simply because I DID WORK. I did it once, my name got spread around, people WANT to employ me. Which, this breaks my heart (shutup, Regina) to no end, because I work with very great people, they're a blast to hang out with, however, the higher ups are killing me (as expected for those who know what I do) and it just isn't worth it. I neither have the correct mentality for this job, or the chronological maturity to handle this type of situation; I have NOTHING stopping me (kids, debts) so why put up with this shit? IF I did, I could use that as emotional and physical support to survive for the paycheck to provide for my family. Without that, my only family is my friends, and I don't provide for them, except that I guess I'm fun to get drunk or something like that. And I certainly don't pay for them... maybe.

To sum it up, I do not think that a 'guaranteed financial future' means shit in a world that does not have a future. Thus, I will choose the path that makes me happy, fuck you world. And your 80k a year job. *flips the bird*

On other notes! I've run into some issues with GUtil for Blender, here's the results:
-You can use a simple function to convert GE position and orientation into any camera flawlessly (refer to _camera functions in game.py)
-When you duplicate a object, it duplicates all child objects with it. So, the Entity philosophy is being rewritten with this in mind, and storing and REMAPPING objects on runtime, that way, the same functionality is present, but none of the gross duplications (this also makes it WYSIWYG)
-Ray sensors are the only sensor that detects static triangle meshes.
-Sensors only detect dynamic objects that are not ghosts (sometimes they detect actors, eh. trying to figure this out)
-A sound actuator cannot load sounds; For each sound you want, you need a new sound actuator (ballz)
-Armature actuators can change most things except blendin times. This is broken, and crashes blender if done in python.
-Using blended animations crashes blender on the second game run (memory leak)
-Rasterizer.mist functions don;t do anything. Someone needs to go glFog some shit.
-If you save a controller object( on your root controller, save that controller) you can add objects instantly, from anywhere (this is key to GUtil)
-Remember that python sucks, and if you delete a object in a sequence you are iterating through, it crashes. So, delay your deletions and additions, but allow the user to kill themselves with a AddNow and RemoveNow function.
-Function calls hurt a lot in python, I wish function pointers could be automatic (working on it, I wish there was a python function that called a function for each object in an array WITHOUT making a new array!!!)
-Obtaining armature bone positions works, but only if there are at least 3 distinct unique verticies in that bone group (IE, a head has ~ 200 verts, at least 140 of those are unique, so we CAN get it's true bone position and orientation). This is done via 'gram schmiddt orthonormalization' or, for those of you like me who hate formalities, you take 3 points, a center, x, and y, calculate x - center and y - center, and cross those to get z, then make your matrix from them. From that matrix, if you know the bone matrix you can calculate the offset and rotational offset to get that point calculated matrix to the bone position. This is easy to do, but must be done in blender, not your game engine (IE, save all the armature and vertex data your can (xyz that is) and then sync it to your game on loading) This works well, and is a very nice thing if you want your dragon to actually pick up and eat the player.
-Sometimes ray sensors miss greatly if they are moving
-You can't store function pointers correctly; Because python functions seem to be evaluated out of scope, if you store a function pointer from one modules scope, then try and call it from another, the actual calling scope changes, so you get fucked. The way around this is annoying, but using the function locals() you can get a map of function name -> function pointer, so you can just store the function name instead of the actual pointer, and this works fine because those function pointers have a different module scope or some shit.

Things to work on, or neat things I have noticed in GUtil:
-Mesh animations are good, the model is accurate and simple
-Adding meshes and sensors realtime works well, same with removing them (no damage)
-Shaders will be nice, I am not 100% sure how to tackle this.
-Generalizing the camera is the greatest thing you can do, it makes any game more fun. Also, since you can getCameraXY, maybe there should be a generalized plane projection function for motion? (IE, if you want to move mario, he moves relative to his current direction, right? If you want to move in the direction of the camera, you project the camera's forward direction onto the XY plane if gravity is in the Z direction only, that way your forward isn't trying to go up or down, and is a true 2D forward. This can also be done per plane normal that your character is on, a traditional 'ray cast' player.)
-Adding entities is OK, but slowdown seems to hit hard around 20 or so complex entities. This is annoying, because I expected 6%, my older versions of GUtil were faster, and I am not 100% sure why, except that there are many more function calls in this version. I bet if I bind functions to local names it'll go way faster. (python uses lookups so bleh)
-You can't deform a mesh that is animated yet. (would be nice to do this after the animated part.)
-Thanks to a friend, you can assign a 'overlay' to your scene via the _overlay actuator, this should allow you to easily print text via that function and move on from there.

Maybe this is too much work for something that is needed. My suggestions are:
-Add a SoundBank actuator, where you load a LIST of samples, and can change them via a property (maybe via index or string)
-Add a AnimationBank to do the same thing, have a list of selectable animations
-Fix the mist functions
-Make aramture parenting system AUTOMATIC (I did it, it should be internal!), just let us know the indices to use! (just vertex parent stuff)
-you could probably add a Motion -> Types actuator to make control a lot simpler.
-Input should have a generic device, so that input key can be set to any input to generate the same result. (I did this, it should be internal!)
-Provide some sort of python game math class. Using Mathutils isn't exactly a good idea, since it is a blender module, not a GameLogic one. We need a Vector, and Matrix, with plenty of functions for interpolation, adding, comparing, operations per element, and all the stuff I had to make myself. This has been needed for some time.
-Get rid of the logic blocks, or at least start to favor making more python classes to use. It's about time this system became useful for something. (and no, saying 'you made it work' is not valid, did you see the CPU usage? That is a crime, my friend. If my C++ games can handle 100,000 game objects and barely choke, why can't GE handle 20? shoot for at least 100 on a decent CPU (2GHz single core))
-What about simd optimizations? SSE2/3 could be great in the game math class!


GUtil progress

Yes, I am still working on AdventureClone, for those of you who pay attention to what the heck I do.

It required a massive rewrite of the Blender Game Engine, and since it's so crazy (I mean it's retarded) The concept is simple, I restrict certain layers (15-20) to specific types of objects:
16 - Meshes only (animated, or static meshes that do NOT collide, things that need to be duplicated, graphical ONLY)
17 - Armatures for those meshes
18 - Sensors of any type (Ray, COllision, Touch, whatever. You can reuse them, instead of making 1 unique one (how stupid is that? bleh!)
19 - Collision shapes (WIP)
20 - Entities (collection of all of the above, usually parented to some physical shape like a cylinder)

Which means, To make your level/game, just add empties or other shapes as 'spawn points' to the level, and use the massively awesome 'game.py' I wrote to code your game (it eleimates so much, you won;t believe it!)
With this system, you get:
Armature bone parenting - Not entirely accurate, but it DOES work for N-simplex groups (refer to docs)
Easy animations
Deleteion/addition on runtime (you can add/remove anything, anytime)
UID system for tracking entities
smart objects
"Entity' class that handles access to sensors, animations, keyframes, shaders, and everything else that sucks to write repeatedly
Simplified interface

And the result, is you can actually make a decent, and viable game with only the blender game engine! It's freaking incredible. Once I get demo, I post demo.

Enough banter, my dream lately was pretty gross, I distinctly remember me, mike and caleb running around a froze, snowy blizzard mountain, when caleb says 'aw fuck it' and gets in his insight and drives away (that car is so light, it drives on snow) Me and mike shrug, and continue on down the mountain! After a while, the mountain goes directly to a swamp, I point at a gator and laugh, cause it was so fake I knew it was a dream. Mike said, that was because it was fake, and points to the real one. Apparently, the house across the swamp had put fake gators in the pond? weird. We crossed, I had found a double barreled rifle with that ammo clicky thingy on the end that looks cool, plus the barrel was two pieces, you could flip it up to add 3 ft of extra rifle to your bullet for supreme accuracy or something stupid like that. But it was rusted all to hell and didn't work. Got it off a dead corpse we found. So, we enter this creepy mansion, and find a witch, who was surprised to see anyone, and does some spell bullshit, but, well, I have friends in high places (like Raesir) and so it didn't even do anything, just sorta fizzed out in front of us. She freaked out, screaming something about dragons, me and mike shrugged, then Harry Potter comes up from behind, says some BS, his stuff doesn't work either (lol, he was soooo sad face) so he transforms himself into a moth (? that was weird...) and this bird eats him. Now, normally, I would have kept laughing, but from what I could tell, he didn't figure on that one, so I threw the gun, hit this bird (it looked like a cockatoo) and then went over and CRUSHED ITS HEAD WITH MY BARE HAND, making this nasty cracking noise... I peeled back the skull and pulled out this nasty acid- smelling moth, shaking it off and tossing it on the floor, where it turned back into a severely beaten Harry... was pretty fuckin sick, lot of detail in that scene, ugh! So, it turns out Mike was just karate-ing a buncha lizard people that that hag created (gators = generic videogame foreshadowing!), he was doing great, had himself a pile of CQC idjits. So, we regroup, the witch had left, and Harry was just on the ground crying like a baby. I don't blame him, that probably hurt like all hell. Then I just woke up, no point, plot, or conclusion at all. It was definitely sickening.


Pokemon Plus, I mean Monster Rancher 5 ?

Looks like my roomate got me internets.

Not easy to remember, I was losing sleep over how this house deal would work out, primarily since the f%#@$*&^ucking bank that owns it is being too slow to respond; They're basically screwing me, like, with a giant sandpapery golden-rule dildo. It's fucking bullshit. All banks are crooks. Don't forget that, they do ANYTHING to make money, and they WILL find a way.

So far, thanks to banks, I've lost more than 1600 dollars in liquid income due to having to move twice and pay for rent and a larger eschrow. So much for me having a projector!

so, anyways, last nights dream was something involving a lot of pokemon, not som uch the classic or newer crappy ones, but a more graffiti kingdom style, like they were all pretty cool looking, not just some of them. Also, the way the battle system worked was drastically changed, I think it was 'TM's they called those silly 'add a move to your monster' things, right? Well, in THIS version (HD, 1080p) creatures operated on a more Graffiti Kingdom system, if you gave them a move (say, bite, kick, punch) and they couldn't physically figure it out, then it would be far less effective. On the other hand, if a creature was good at, say, back-kick (like a horse) then it did extra percent damage. Also, moves could be swapped in and out like items, at cost of slight time (fro training) and monies. So anyways, the fighting pokemon on pokemon is more of a deranged form of cockfighting (in all senses) and that element was pretty much removed from this game, people didn't just walk around and start fights, cause that hurt their pokemon, making them resentful and disobedient. Rather, fights were much more elegant, and it instead favore puzzle solving and using your pokemon as world tools to complete objectives (sounds like monster rancher...) more than battling eachother. Also, people had them as pets, I didn't see any pokeball's or other de-humanizing machines to remove you from the fact you were raising and training a living, breathing creature capable of making it's own decisions. What a weird conflict. Either way! It started out as me investigating this town, we have another dense city in what looked like Tennessee, based on the geography of the place, lower buildings, rolling, spanned out hills and such. Apparently, this town was full of some sort of pokemon addicts, which was interesting. I talked to some of them, I met a lot of cameos of people I had seen before, I attended a fight (it was a kinda unfair fight, this drill-mole thing versus this metal bird thing, and the metal bird thing had 'shrink' apparently, so, well. Somebody lost a pokemon, and apparently, if you eat another pokemon, you can gain all it's abilities, kinda like kirby. But then you have to deal with a whiny trainer...) and I found a place to buy these things; I said no, and just sorta used other peoples animals as I found fit to get across this town, which, this was yet another pseudo future, being inside was the only safe place since the world was full of hypermutating genetic abominations, so you would be killed if you went TOO far away, hence the pokemon in the first place (tamed mutants!). I forget what the hell I was needing to do, but there were a lot of cameos, I think I saw everyone I knew, including them with a target creature that suited them. I can't remember accurate details, but people without pokemon (moi) were more or less looked down on, probably because chance of survival was low. there were a lot of water fountains so you could water your pets, food was the most expensive thing, and at a high premium since it was grown indoors in hydroponics style places, and since everything had been contaminated, it was merely a matter of time before humans themselves were annihilated by the mutations. The pokemon could vocalize much better as well, some of them could even partially talk. As for the graphics, the pokemon looked no better than they did in the Pokemon gamecube games, except they were shaded and had some slightly shinier details (eyes, decorations were higher res, skin sometimes had bumpmappy textures) but people and the buildings were MGS4 quality or better, which was pretty nice to keep a strong mental barrier from the fantasy monsters and the reality of the situation.

Ever notice those vorish food slogans? Ergo, wheat thins: "Feels good, Tastes good" though, I guess that isn't really a fair comparison since it is comparing apples to apples. Oh well.

Interesting note, today, at walkmart, I was getting some wasp spray for a nest I found as big as my head (amazing, I almost feel bad for killing them... NOT) and I was thinking, maybe terrorism would be fun today... go to lawn and garden, grab a can of wasp spray, douse all the food... before I was jailed, I bet I'd at least kill some children, and if nobody noticed, I'd kill a lot of people. How much fun!


Doom 3 + Resident Evil + dreamz

crazy dream; it was more of a mix between resident evil and Doom meets high def graphics...
I can't remember exactly how it started, but I was (camera) watching this team of off-duty police officers (jill, barry, and some other people) hang out at this large shopping mall, both teams went their separate ways just milling about; the girls went to go look at clothing, the guys just found an arcade and goofed off for a bit, two of them went to go get a watch or something. While at the mall, there was some sort of disaster that occurred, but I don;t think anyone noticed right away, because the scene changed to down in the infrastructure of that building. The mall itself was a "superstructure", AKA it was built atop another existing building from years ago, and so we get to fly down a few corridors with typical pipes into a breach in that concrete barrier over the old city. Well, some sort of gas leaks out, and a rat gets infected. We go back to them all rendezvousing at the food court, just talking about some stupid people and parking violations they had to write out, when some little kid screams, she had been bitten by a rat! Which was odd, so, I think it was barry who goes over to investigate, but it was a normal sort of thing. Apparently, the 'virus' could not be transmitted to living flesh. So he bandages her up and escorts to the mall medical center. I think Jill started to freak out, flashbacks or something, so they plan to leave, but, the whole team gets this premonition, and I, walk into the mall cause a birthday is coming up and I needed to buy something. I wasn't wearing normal clothes, I was in my full RP- getup, jeans, black specialized boots, a dark green denim workshirt and a black matte trenchcoat with sunglasses. The movie goes to third person on me for a bit, as I sneak into the infrastructure side of the mall. I journey down a long series of terrifying places, it looked like a long and complex office complex, room after room of desks, files, and storage, seeming to be in total disrepair. Of course, I stood out like a sore thumb, and those officers followed me. I was noticing that there were blood stains, at this point I chickened out of my mission and began to go back, but was stopped by the crew. Now, behind me one of the 'zombies' stood up, and I had a lot of guns, so I turned around and shot it in the head, but it took a few hits to pop it. The team was kind of in shock, I handed them other pistols I had in my trenchcoat, and we started discussing what was going on as more and more zombified people began showing up, moving slowy from room to room trying to fire as little as possible. These zombies were different, they weren't living people turned dead, they were actually just reanimated dead. The virus only spread to fresh corpses this time, but other normal things would kill you (bites, cuts, ect) and these zombies didn't seem to be after anything, more like they were protecting something. We began to hear screams and running above, so we went above ground to see what the hell, and this affliction had already spread, the crows, this time ragged lumps of muscle and some gross feather, totally sickening, had been picking off people as they ran out of the mall, I found that shooting them was insanely difficult, but could knife them really easily. I had run away from the group as they stupidly tried to protect people, looking for answers, and I found that the sewer was a host to lots of dead bodies, and hence things were flowing out from there. The virus had been in the water supply, so a dormant infection was imminent. No saving now, so I rejoined, they were very angry with me, and I ignored them, going over to a service elevator to go down to kill some mofo's. Though, at this point, the virus was combining bodies together to form stronger, more sinister creatures, I ran into this larger room with one of those rail-like garage doors for trucks, and two quadripedal things, no three, came in, and I crouched, watching them, but they heard that, and tried to hone in on my position. They were pretty sick, some sort of collection of muscles and misaligned veins and flesh, all glistening from the fluids they constantly leaked, the looked like lions with no fur or claws, and a weirdly shaped head, much smaller jaws. I didn't care, but I knew a pistol couldn't stop them, and THAT's when the cyberdemon walked in. (cue some funky remix of 'Tower of Babel'...) Things got interesting, because this cyberdemon looked similar to the doom one, but has a lot more attitude and air of 'coolness' about him, with a strut like overconfident walk, huge metal cigar holder with cigar, and a pack of rockets and that killer rocket launcher, looking about to see what his 'pets' had discovered. Apparently, someone left a cyberdemon corpse down here, so. He turned, and was about to fire a rocket, when I realized I had been seen, and was screwed, so I stood up in 'don't shoot me', and the demon huffed, lowering the gun. The 'dogs' turned to watch, but held back with a wave of that monster's claw, as he walked over to keep a large metal truss between me and him as we talked. I can't remember exactly what was said, but it was similar to 'so, what brings you here?' 'what, me? Just suckin' souls as usual' 'Bad time for eating the living' 'Yeah, no kidding. How about you, walking the dogs?' 'They aren't housebroken, I figured I could piss all over this world to train them *laugh*' 'Sounds fun.' 'And...' I remember this part a little more clearly 'What does a demon like yourself need with these people. hrm?' '?' 'You are Z, are you not?' '...yes.' 'At least you look like him. Devil not giving you enough souls?' 'That is not why I am here. *angry*' 'I doubt that, you are nothing but a pile of worthless flesh like the rest of us.' and he lights his cigarette, and then quickly lights a rocket, drops it in his arm and shoots it behind me, forcing me to dodge, but he was right, I *was* technically a demon, at least Z would be considered such. So I rolled, looking up at this monster, pissed off that he would assault me like that, but only about the verbal part. He had begun leaning on the building, watching me with bored interest. 'Go play with your friends, coward.' So I did, I ran around the dogs, slamming the door on them, leaving this behemoth to suck on a cuban and watch the chaos, going back to rejoin the police team, but they were out there with helicopters and shit, and my alarm went off.
Primarily, there were some very disturbing things about the dream, one being the imagery, the demon and zombie creatures were very grossly detailed, rotting, hanging flesh and a smudged dirty appearance made them sickening, but not threatening. Talking to a cyberdemon who KNEW who I really was was quite agitating, it was cool in retrospect to talk to a demon, but still, I thought I had a good cover (why did the masterplot come into this mess?). Also, the scenery was unique, a big mall in a big city as a superstructure, time was much later on, because there were less % of people, more law enforcement, and strange commercialism (mixed eastern/western everything, chinese was pretty much everywhere) I was also in my 30's, which I guess isn't that far off, but still. It was pretty crazy, and I can;t remember a lot of the little scenes, like running or turning corners and being surprised by a zombie or monster of some kind. The only thing that could have made it much more interesting would have been a hunter gamma, but oh well. My own personal fantasies will have to wait I guess.


Anrgy post; Irrelevant technical content

Lots of craziness, well let's just list it:

The bank I am using for a home loan is giving me a 6.00% APR excluding PMI costs (PMI costs only affect the loan if you put less than a specific percent down, aka 20%). It is a 15 year fixed rate, so my monthly payments were estimated to be ~1200 a month. On a 120,000 loan (for a nice house!)

I looked at about 44 some houses in two days, sorted them all out by preference and other criterion. Shopping for houses is superficially easy; Find one you like, THEN check it for defects that affect your offer (Like over-shingled roofing, severe cost repairs like water lines, age of house, defects in foundation, inspection violations, ect...)

My medical condition is not improving; It does not seem to be a "Duodemic ulcer" or a Hernia, in fact, it is quite random, and the only feasible explanation is maybe I somehow swallowed a toothpick or something. Except, I can't move or contort myself to generate any pain, so that's kinda out. It's always an infection.

Sickness from this disgusting medication sucks. I'm taking Protonix, which does it's job really well, lowering your stomach's pH from 1 to 4 ish.

Been learning the ropes on Tangent Space normals, Blender can generate them very well, and it is a blast to make a low poly model baked from a high poly source, allowing me to add super details like metal and rust, and dents, waves, making everything nice and shadable fun. It's great, because you can reduce complex objects into flat textures, and save both as files so you retain all the info! Best used for levels it seems, and characters, though the complexity of the shader for that one is still WIP. Hooray GLSL.

And I have until the 14th before I am evicted. Talk about short notice! Fuckers.