So, working on more things, lots of things. 'Sys' is the new IGTL system namespace, which provides all the utilities that you could need for memory, data structures, file/directory IO, mathematics, 3D mathematics, algorithms, and all the basic stuf every system should have. Basically, it's a new version of cstdlib, that uses C++ stuff (like STL, but not junky) for some systems. Specially, it has a lot of very common math and algorithms in a very clean and not junky C-style system, so you don't have to freak out over overhead.
It's coming along awesome, and I love it. It makes so much more sense now, getting the base code out of the way. Although, it does prove that the C++ crap is near useless, which by extenstion makes most all languages that are not python a$$. And all other languages are useless for realtime stuff.
So, I also learned how to do 'Hemispherical Lighting', which is a simple little trick in your good ole shader math:
float dp = light_vector dot normal ;
float schemi = hemi_scale * pow( hemi_power, 0.5 * dp + 0.5 ); //Light factor to use
And, again in GL_fragment_shader_arb lingo,
DP3 temp2.x, nNorm, -mvp[2]; #Dot view normal (curr view) with vertex normal to get generic light intensity
#---Hemispherical lighting--- Req: K.y = 0.5, LK.z = light_pow, LK.w = light_scale
MAD temp2.y, temp2.x, LP.x, LP.y; #t = t*0.5 + 0.5 (hemispherical lighting = cool)
#---Scale the light to be the hemisphere
POW temp2.y, LP.z, temp2.y; #t = pow(t, hard), flip this to halo (A^B)
MUL temp2.y, temp2.y, LP.w; #t *= spec
#---Calculate final hemi diffuse color
MUL temp1, temp2.y, fragment.color; #Interpolate color to black (mult op)
And, some examples, but I don;t have comparison shots because Blender uses hemi lights, you can easily see the difference.
Hey, it's delgadosaur again, and it looks less plastic, more daylight plastic.
And a new member of the crew, this purple-dragon thing that's more friendly and low poly. But that's what textures and sub-surface models are for, right?
Anyways. Peace out.
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