
More nonsense

So, working on more things, lots of things. 'Sys' is the new IGTL system namespace, which provides all the utilities that you could need for memory, data structures, file/directory IO, mathematics, 3D mathematics, algorithms, and all the basic stuf every system should have. Basically, it's a new version of cstdlib, that uses C++ stuff (like STL, but not junky) for some systems. Specially, it has a lot of very common math and algorithms in a very clean and not junky C-style system, so you don't have to freak out over overhead.

It's coming along awesome, and I love it. It makes so much more sense now, getting the base code out of the way. Although, it does prove that the C++ crap is near useless, which by extenstion makes most all languages that are not python a$$. And all other languages are useless for realtime stuff.

So, I also learned how to do 'Hemispherical Lighting', which is a simple little trick in your good ole shader math:

float dp = light_vector dot normal ;
float schemi = hemi_scale * pow( hemi_power, 0.5 * dp + 0.5 ); //Light factor to use

And, again in GL_fragment_shader_arb lingo,

DP3 temp2.x, nNorm, -mvp[2]; #Dot view normal (curr view) with vertex normal to get generic light intensity

#---Hemispherical lighting--- Req: K.y = 0.5, LK.z = light_pow, LK.w = light_scale
MAD temp2.y, temp2.x, LP.x, LP.y; #t = t*0.5 + 0.5 (hemispherical lighting = cool)

#---Scale the light to be the hemisphere
POW temp2.y, LP.z, temp2.y; #t = pow(t, hard), flip this to halo (A^B)
MUL temp2.y, temp2.y, LP.w; #t *= spec

#---Calculate final hemi diffuse color
MUL temp1, temp2.y, fragment.color; #Interpolate color to black (mult op)

And, some examples, but I don;t have comparison shots because Blender uses hemi lights, you can easily see the difference.

Hey, it's delgadosaur again, and it looks less plastic, more daylight plastic.

And a new member of the crew, this purple-dragon thing that's more friendly and low poly. But that's what textures and sub-surface models are for, right?

Anyways. Peace out.


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