
Dream; Goodbye tasty humans

Not sure how the whole mess got started, but I do distinctly remember driving in the car with dad, mom, and sis. I think we were driving somewhere in Kansas, but the landscape was hilly, but that was because of some sort of natural disaster. Spanning a light gray sky, swirling with slow moving clouds, you could see occasional lighting flashes and sections of hazy dust and rain. It seemed grayish blue, there were no trees, only a soft diffuse light coming from what we assumed is the sun, the landscape looked like it had been melted by intense blasts of heat, clawed out by something much larger than a earth mover. Of course, some parts were still intact, it seemed that random damage had occurred, but there were no plants. Just yellow straw grass here and there.
So we drive into this thing that looks like a tow, I guess we were escaping the carnage, and stopped to look around. This place looked the same, all of the buildings looked like they had been sandblasted, and were somewhat moved, indicating a large shockwave had come from a specific direction at some point. There were some skeletons scattered about, but nothing too severe. After poking around the town, looking for any survivors, I decided that we had to go to the university. For some reason, we had to go to KU, being that it would be least affected by whatever crazy thing happened here. I went solo, as there were lots of supplies unused in that town, and drove a broken highway to KC. there were lots of cars along the way, damaged, tossed, something like the cloverfield movie, lots of evidence, no picture of the thing itself. Eventually I made it near one of the larger buildings, which was guarded by many heavily armed folks.
Apparently, John was a well known professor there, so I was able to get in, and waited in a holding/detox room so I could figure out what happened. I scribbled nonsense on the whiteboard, and this creepy old teacher came by and was all 'I like vectors too' and made some stupid math joke, I scowled at her and tried to explain my problem, but she cut me off so I tuned her out. That happens a lot at work too. Then john came by, and we began talking about what the hell was going on, apparently, no one remembers what happened, just kind of waking up after the fact. All infrastructure had been damages, radio signals are destroyed, no working ionosphere thanks to the dust (must be aliens, this is something that the Reconi do to sentient planets...) so no way to communicate.
Course, this is where things got acid-y. I was sitting down, and John started to talk to that math lady, I guess I was tired and nodded off, but only half asleep, and the world became a cartoon, and that lady morphed into this weird demon chick with a flowing cloth behind her, and john morphed into this goofy pink&lavender dragon monster, and after laughing at both of them, I watched this little cartoon short where the dragon danced around, trying to impress the demon lady, who matched the dance skill or something, then they both ran to a starting line and had a footrace, which was weird...
I snapped awake at the mention of my name, but there was some word there that woke me up in real life, it was only 2:30 or something, which sucked, it was being Oklahoma outside, so I went back to sleep, or tried to.

I'm not sure what kind of disaster would entirely kill the planet like this, but I imagine it wasn't traditional weaponry. It really looked like some giant monster had gone around and scooped up whatever piece of the earth buffet it wanted, and just cauterized the rest. If I were to guess, probably some sort of sleeping gas was used first, and then harvester's were dropped to clean up. That way they could avoid any 'moral' obligations by claiming death was painless to all those killed. Perfectly valid, actually. Not a bad idea at all. Sounds like my next doomsday project, make everyone fall asleep, release natural predators. Done.

In more detail, I suspect this was a three stage attack. First was the normal detonations of sleeping gas, then metallic dust as chaff for communications and missile guidance and all other earthly forms of retaliation, and finally some EMP bombs for good measure. Then, drop the harvesters down, scoop up all the goodies, pack up, and leave the planet to fix itself. Sounds like something we could use today, honestly.

And, sorry John, I dunno why you got such a weird representation, but at least it didn't have a purse.

Oh yeah, I remember distinctly talking about going back to school, and really wanting too. Must be some sorta premonition.

1 comment:

SVN said...

Going back to school means a college environment again. Whoo!! Parties, women, beer, and LEARNING.