
Dream - Fanservice; Slightly disturbing

As stated, this is somewhat a fanservice dream. Don't read if you don't like reading disturbing things.


Something about folks visiting someone's friend because their friend's just got killed in some accident, or maybe from cancer. So we visit this freaks house, nice house, then go get some groceries before going home and I find a dreamcast and play this crazy vore fanservice game where you were some chick that could turn into a dolphin.


I remember some of the dream, not the events leading up to visiting this random guy. Apparently, some friend of my parents had kicked it, don't really know how they died, but they had no surviving relatives, just a friend that had been taking care of them intermittently, so they decided to pay a visit to him to get the scoop. This dude lived on the coastline, somewhere further east, was a beautiful 4 acre lot on the water, with it's own jeti and pier, boatdock, multi-part house (had a main home, and a side home for tools/games like Bill's 'Mancave') and a very well kept lawn. This guy was single though, which was odd. Either way, I'm bored, the dude doesn't seem that interesting, and he actually had a friend over, which I thought was strange, since he knew we were coming over, but I guess the friend was just leaving. Ironically, I overheard some of their conversation, and some words came up about eka's and such, and I wondered who this guy really was.
So, we putz around his house, he shows us all the cool shit he had, like the exercise room with TV and his tool filled garage with a classic car, his two cats, blah blah blah. He asked me some question, I can't remember what it was, but it was indirectly asking if I was a member of eka's too, so I responded "I bet Imaginary Z would know." and then we left.
Was really weird, and boring. No cool events, but the house was pretty awesome.

Second part, we're driving home, it's raining a lot, so we stop in at a place that is topologically identical to my Homeland in mustang, so the folks go in and start shopping, me and sis hang out in the front, where they had some crazy arcade games. I find this one, I make fun of it, because it was something like a mermaid/transformation game thing, the demo reel looked like Ecco from the dreamcast. So, I give it a shot, it played fairly well, like a mario 64 type game, there wasn't really anything slowing down the gameplay, you could run around as some chick, use a energy whip to kill shit like Zero suit samus does in brawl, and, if you jumped in the water, you could turn into a dolphin and fly around. The dolphin form initially could not shoot, and the game did not prevent you from going into 'difficult' areas, so, that's the first thing I did. Not too surprisingly, there were these lightly lavender/grey colored plesiousaur/dragon monsters slowly moving around, and since you didn't have any weapon equipped, speed-ramming them did nothing, I tried it a few times, but apparently, if you get too close to their neck/head kinematic range (kinematic range is a probabilistic region defined by the "energy" required to stretch a chain of bones to that position; Much like the 'rope around a silo' problem) you get treated to a funny little cinema scene of the thing swallowing your dolphin with ease. Though, the designers, being sick fucks apparently, let you mash buttons to try and wriggle enough to make it spit you out; So it wasn't really insta-death, though you were given the option to 'suicide' or attempt escape. I thought that was rather bizarre, so I experimented with it; It turned out a glitch allowed you to change back into human form while being eaten, but due to the way the game was programmed, your dolphin form would still exist, so your human form just pops into existence next to your assailent, so you can wail on it's ass while it eats your old form. If you happen to rescue the old form, your human form dissapears, and you're a dolphin again. Was quite strange, and even MORE weirdly, if you let the sea dragon finish off your dolphin, your human form would NOT disappear, but you would switch control back to the swallowed dolphin, from which you could struggle indefinitely, with accompanying highly detail animation (the "object under a silk cloth" type animation) until you got bored of the screen telling you to restart. But when you DID restart, you would start from where you left off the human form, in a way, you had a glitchy emergent behavior trick; Maybe this was intentional, I don't know.
The environment of the game was very blue and icy looking in color, the waters were dark blue and deep, there were very few creatures or plants or things in it, just a couple of those sea dragons and some glowing rocks at the bottom, maybe 500+ ft deep. The point was, this was obviously subconscious fanservice; I'm not complaining but I sure wish I had those models. They looked oddly similar to one of the models I'm currently working on though...

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