You code up a nice 3D game, and find that every time you call 'swapBuffers' your program is blocked from execution. You've tried threads, weird API's, and even low level OS hacking tricks; And nothing fixes it! Your game will still be forced to run at 60 FPS, no matter what, and every buffer swap lags your code at least 15 ms! Which is total burned CPU! And tons of dropped packets! And messages!
If you happen to have a graphics card, and specifically a NVidia one, here is the problem:
Go to start->Control Panel-> NVidia Control Panel(Display; Move to the display tab, advanced... Open the Nvidia Control Panel)
Make sure this is off:

What is happening, is it is making a crit section/thread safe block for buffer swaps, which if you write high performance games, this kills your testing phase since your game is force-lagged out.
This easily pushed my FPS and IFPS from 60 to well in the hundreds. In fact, in my GHOST test, I went from 15 RFms with 1 dropped frame to 10 RFms with 0 dropped frames. This translates to 0 dropped frames per second from 60 dropped frames per second.
I have fought this problem for a while; glad it wasn't my problem. The moral of the story? Sometimes you just have to step back and learn something new.
- Imaginary Z
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