
Days 76 - 74

Only 74 days left till demo;

Progress made,

I've correct multiple errors in SDLGameBase; Primarily with the Audio and Graphics setup, as well as tweaking it's loop setup.
Worked with IGTL::WMod music player; fun stuff there, looked up how to work mod files, made a few different players, still eperimenting
Updated the BRF 3.0 specifications greatly; I'm going to focus on that and RenderBase since I might have help in making graphics! (yay artists!)
Made some threads, working on the thread pool for procedural loading and fun stuff, although it hangs badly.
Got glextplus.h to work perfectly, extensions are now instant and very easy, as well as stable and no GLEW bullshit.
Played a bit with particles, I can now toggle correctly from HD to SD resolutions regardless of screensize
Screen resizing needs tweaking


BRF 3.0 format specs need to be finalized in mechanics, and then Section types need to be added, as well as the required basis data types. Compressions to implement (done before) are the generic RLE compression, Quad encoding (MIF/QIF image format) and LZSS generic style algorithm for some data compression. Also, more thought about breaking apart the different sections to make more logical sense.

Manditory screenshot for the dev blog:

Please note this is a SD screen with the HD box overlayed into it. Each green square is 1 meter accuracy, and you probably recognize that collision box from previous posts. The white thing is a "stream particle" that flows around, I was just playing with it so I could check visible FPS with the threads. SO YOU KNOW, the "FPS" is the fixed internal game frames per second (never changes), the IFPS is the number of frames run inside of that one game frame (yes, this is over 100,000 FPS (493,900 to be exact), try it yourself and see. You need this to catch network messages, but this will drop a lot when I get this thing fully threaded) and, I have the VBO (vertex Buffer Object) extension loaded and ready.

Only 74 days left! (Planned demo Feb. 2nd 2009) Wish me luck!

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