
Synology DS 1511+ - Playing around

So, 10TB of a RAID 6 resulted in 5.44 TB of usable space; and it only took about 7 hours to parity check, maybe 1 to build! If you think about it.

10TB / 8hr => 364 MBps

Which, my poor ass router can't go that fast.

So the thing is fast. I started formatting and toying with settings and stuff, uploading movies and music to test it's integrity.

Pending results from the UPnP test with some PS3's.

Remove the DNS so the box is intranet only, which is awesome.

Here's what it looks like in action, using Synology's DSM web interface:

I'm a little hesitant to enable the transcoding on it, but we'll test it out while it's still fresh.

Great job so far guys, this is the best tech product I've ever used. Props Synology!


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