
Dream - Really? FF13 dreams already?

Dream: 2010-03-30


While working out at a new gym, it turned into some sort of FF13 game.


Apparently I started at the gym; well, it wasn't an ordinary gym, it seemed to have a very tall ceiling like one of those large superwalmart buildings, and plenty of mercury bulb lighting, keeping the entire indoor place lit well. It was also confusing, because equipment was next to kiosks that were selling workout equipment; apparently, you just grabbed what you needed and paid when you left; they had all sorts of machines and freeweights; it was a pretty cool little place. I started out on some 35 freeweights to warm up, and ran into Jennifer; apparently she was running the place, so we chatted for a while, then Mike D. showed up so we started running around the track, but he got distracted because one of his old buds was on a barlift machine; so he stopped running to chat, and I continued lapping. I grabbed some weights with triggers on them, and continued running, apparently these weights were inertial increaser's; they had gyroscopes so they could alter the resistance to change in direction, which was a weird feeling. After a few more laps, I walked over to the heavier machines to cool down, since nobody was over there, so I thought. I ran into an old friend, Randy M., so we talked for a bit, he seemed to be doing well.
Well, I also ran into Caleb, and he talked about his new job and some other nonsense, and I was about to continue running, when on the end of one of the later laps, out of nowhere Kami appeared; Not the lung-style kami, but the new anthroid-chubby version. I laughed, and went to have a conversation, but as anticipated, the dragon noshed on the nearest redshirt (nobody I knew) then attempted to take me out. Luckily, he was in a rule-restricted area, so I could easily dodge his attack. Then everyone started screaming, and these really strange alien creatures began to enter the gym; Things then turned into final fantasy 13 style; I was the leader, of a special class "Assist" though they abbreviated it "ARC" instead of, well. Kami joined my party as a "Power" class, which was also special, denoted "VOR".
Well, we ran into our first encounter, attempting to wipe out the invaders to save the people at the gym (mind you, everything is in full HD at this point, every whisker, blade of fur, gnarled expression and clothing was maximum detail and behaved graphically like any commercial movie). The creatures were apparently 3 legged insect like aliens, of a drab brown color holding some sort of purple-raygun weapon, with beady black eyes and tentacles for mouths. In fact, the looked something like a mutated vortigaunt + maraisreq monster; I wasn't sure why but they also had on weak armor like leather or something. In either case, when we entered the battle, the music naturally went from "06 - The turn storm of road canyon.mp3" (Choro Q HG 1) to "Blinded By Light" (FF13 battle music). I was acting mostly like Snow, I had no weapons so I ran over and beat the hell out of it since Assist class has instant preemptive no matter what. Kami just kinda sat up, apparently starting the battle in a sleeping position, and fidgeted his paws together; The alien fired a beam, a nice shiny purple effect, I dodged quickly. On the next turn, Kami used "Water Blast"; a very high level water magic attack, and being an Assist I augmented with "Spark", so that the combined damage was water + electrical, and did a large factor more than it would have alone. The bug was vanquished, we got points, and moved on.

Then my alarm went off before I could continue playing the game *sadface*

Was kinda nice to team up with RPG characters that don't completely suck. A tad unfair, but who's counting?


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