On Saturday, September 19th, 2009
Multiple confirmed reports of flat and unappetizing beer piled in. Customers reported watery and flat tasting beer, as well as bottles that did not foam or pop when opened.
On acquisition of the available samples, analysis confirmed that due to a manufacturing defect, the majority of the batch #3 was lost due to a sealing leak in the rubber o-ring of the bottle caps, similar to the challenger shuttle disaster.
In depth analysis shows that no step in the process was misaligned; All employees were intoxicated as preferred, and every procedure to the letter was followed. No single person or human error is at fault. However, the materials provided by a separate manufacturing firm were the cause, as the bottle caps provided were not compatible with the bottles, as was stated. This error could have been detected with a simple radius and sealing mechanism test; And this procedure has now been implemented into the brewing process to prevent further issues.
Exhibit #1:
The bottle on the right is correct; The bottle on the left is a defect.

As you can see, the evident leakage of gas has caused a net change in volume. This is directly indicative of a leak in the container. Also, the sediment ring proves that the fluid level has decreased over time. The cap is slightly ajar as well.
Exhibit #2:
The cap on the top with the synthetic white seal is the correct cap; The cap on the bottom is the defect.

Examination of the caps shows the first used caps, the superior, synthetic plastic white sealing ring correctly fits the mouth of the bottle we are using. The inferior, waxy gum cap below does not sufficiently seal the bottle, resulting in predictable cap popping and leaking. Both caps are identical in dimension, weight, size, save for the sealing gasket.
Beer brewing process now includes examination of bottle caps to inspect for matching radii and proper sealing rings.
I, Imaginary Z, as the owner of this brewing establishment owe a large and deeply felt public apology. Our customers should never have to face this kind of tragedy, as it not only leaves a bad taste in our mouths, but hurts all involved. You trust us to deliver a solid, consistent and refreshing product, and we have, through sheer accident, failed you. As our company motto stresses quality and consistency of delivered products, we have already corrected this error to prevent any future incidents. If you are a victim of this tragedy, please, visit or write and we will do all we can to make it right to you.
Imaginary Zephran
Well shucks!
The precise founding in the failure causes can supply crucial details suitable for design breakthroughs, the use of factors along with the different operating processes. Failure analysis is about the examination of the element that failed to understand why it was unsuccessful at the start.
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